Bioeconomy Accelerator Programme
Commercialising Malaysia's Innovations in Bio-Based Industries
Who Can Apply
All successful applicants to the Bioeconomy Accelerator Programme are expected to have some or all of the following characteristics:
- Be committed to commercialisation of the technology/application/product/service that constitutes the principal offering of the company for this programme.
- Have an IP "position" i.e. be in possession of intellectual assets, whether protected or not, that can be described and discussed.
- Possess at least a baseline understanding of the "business model" around which they wish to grow the opportunity.
- Be able to describe the underlying strength of the technology/product/service in terms of the competitive environment.
- Have demonstrated progress in meeting certain critical milestones e.g. filed IP, established a team, received investment, created a prototype, worked with partners to advance a market, etc.
- Able to express the commercialisation goals of the company or venture, in terms of desired and realistic outcomes.
The program addresses companies with a proven commitment to commercialising an existing product, whether they have just been launched or they have a longer history commercialising their product.
Application Process
Applications for the Bioeconomy Accelerator Programme will be open from October 8, 2014 to November 7, 2014 Extended to November 14, 2014 11:59 PM. (Malaysia Standard Time)
Following an evaluation process that considers applicants' technical approach and their plan for commercial market entry, 20 participants will be selected for the program. Participants will be notified if they’re selected into the program by December 8, 2014.
Information requested from applicants is related to: company profile, technology description and value proposition, commercialisation status, and expectations.